Call to Action: Share Your Feedback with CMS

Call to Action: Share Your Feedback with CMS

OT practitioners, it’s not too late to make your voices heard by CMS!
As you may already be aware, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is seeking feedback on its Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule for Calendar Year 2023. AOTA is in the process of finalizing a comment letter that will be submitted on behalf of organizational members, highlighting key areas of concern noted in the proposed rule and advocating for better access and reimbursement for occupational therapy services under Medicare Part B.
In this rule, CMS proposes a 4.4% decrease to the conversion factor and confirms continuation of the 15% payment cut for services delivered in whole or in part by an OTA. CMS proposes additional codes that may be delivered via telehealth after the COVID-19 public health emergency ends, but occupational therapy practitioners will only be able to access those codes for 151 days beyond the PHE since we are not considered permanent telehealth providers.
AOTA has been continually advocating on these issues and AOTA’s voice is strong, but we are stronger when the voices of our members are raised in support of the needed changes to keep our profession alive. 
We encourage members to share your personal story with CMS on how these cuts and policies are impacting your practice. This doesn’t have to be a formal comment letter—it can be a few sentences, a case example, or a paragraph on the struggles you face every day in delivering quality occupational therapy services. 
CMS needs to hear from you that continued cuts and lack of access to telehealth services after the public health emergency will have a direct impact on Medicare beneficiary access to timely, medically necessary occupational therapy services. 
Comments are due to CMS by September 6, 2022 at 11:59pm. We hope you’ll take a few moments to share your real-world experience with CMS.
Your advocacy efforts will make a difference!!!
Thank you for your membership!
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