Florida Occupational Therapy Association

Secretary, Executive Board- Job Description


The Secretary is a voting member of the Executive Board (Board) and shall be chosen from a roster of either OTs or OTAs who have been members in good standing with AOTA and FOTA for a period of one year prior to nomination. The Secretary is elected to a term of two years, and shall not hold the office for more than two consecutive terms

The Secretary shall keep the records of the Association and the minutes of its meetings, including minutes of the Board meetings.


  1. Discharge the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President.
  2. Compile and maintain at least bi-annually a “Key People to Know” list and post on the FOTA Board Resources on the Web site.
  3. Be responsible to the members of the Board for notification of special meetings.
  4. Submit the Secretary’s proposed budget to the Treasurer by MAY 1.
  5. Compose an agenda prior to each meeting based on reports and action items submitted prior to the meeting. Email the agenda to all Board members and post on the FOTA website.
  6. Coordinate with the President and other Officers as necessary to request reports for upcoming meetings.
  7. Maintain electronically all Association minutes of meetings.
  8. Present reports at the FOTA Annual Business Meeting for those committee members who are unable to attend.
  9. Attendallscheduledmeetings.Ifunabletoattend,designate someone to record the minutes prior to the meeting
  10. Be responsible for obtaining signed Conflict of Interest Agreement and Confidentiality and Security of Information Agreements from each new Board member. These will be maintained electronically.
  11. Conduct online voting procedures per President’s request.


The Secretary will attend all Board meetings, teleconferences, membership meetings and conferences. If the Secretary is unable to attend, then the President is to be notified as early as possible so arrangements can be made to cover obligations.

Reviewed: 11/09, 6/00, 3/13, 9/13 Adopted: 12/13 

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