Update: Telemedicine Guidance for Early Intervention Services
Florida Medicaid Health Care Alert
April 27, 2020
Provider Type(s): 81, 82, and 83
Update: Telemedicine Guidance for Early Intervention Services
The Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) is committed to ensuring that Medicaid recipients continue to receive care when needed and without interruption. The purpose of this provider alert is to provide guidance to providers on how the Agency is expanding the type of Early Intervention Services (EIS) that can be delivered via telemedicine during the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) state of emergency.
This alert replaces the March 20, 2020 provider alert titled “Telemedicine Guidance for Therapy Services and Early Intervention Services” for EIS providers.
Telemedicine Definition
Telemedicine is the practice of health care delivery by a practitioner who is in a site other than the site where a recipient is located, using interactive telecommunications equipment that minimally includes real time, two-way interactive communication between a recipient and a practitioner using audio and video equipment. The Agency’s current telemedicine policy in the fee-for-service delivery system is available at: http://ahca.myflorida.com/medicaid/review/General/59G_1057_TELEMEDICINE.pdf.
Provider Type(s): 81, 82, and 83 Update: Telemedicine Guidance for Early Intervention Services The Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) is committed to ensuring that Medicaid recipients continue to receive care when needed and without interruption. The purpose of this provider alert is to provide guidance to providers on how the Agency is expanding the type of Early Intervention Services (EIS) that can be delivered via telemedicine during the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) state of emergency. This alert replaces the March 20, 2020 provider alert titled “Telemedicine Guidance for Therapy Services and Early Intervention Services” for EIS providers. Telemedicine Definition Telemedicine is the practice of health care delivery by a practitioner who is in a site other than the site where a recipient is located, using interactive telecommunications equipment that minimally includes real time, two-way interactive communication between a recipient and a practitioner using audio and video equipment. The Agency’s current telemedicine policy in the fee-for-service delivery system is available at: http://ahca.myflorida.com/medicaid/review/General/59G_1057_TELEMEDICINE.pdf. Telemedicine Flexibilities During the State of Emergency It is imperative that services continue for children in need of services. To ensure that Florida Medicaid providers can maintain continuity of care during the state of emergency, the Agency is expanding coverage of early intervention services provided through telemedicine. These flexibilities apply to services provided through both the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program and the fee-for-service delivery system when the provider is unable to provide care physically face-to-face on that date of service (e.g. the provider is diagnosed with COVID-19, community or home-based care was not an option, etc.). Early Intervention Screenings and Evaluations Florida Medicaid will reimburse for the delivery of early intervention screenings and evaluations (initial and follow-up) via telemedicine when the service is delivered in accordance with federal and state law requirements (e.g., multidisciplinary team requirements can be met through live, two-way audio and video capabilities). The service must be completed in its entirety, as detailed in the EIS coverage policy and fee schedule. Services are covered, as described below:
Early Intervention Sessions Florida Medicaid will reimburse for the delivery of early intervention sessions via telemedicine when performed by an eligible EIS provider (as defined in the Medicaid coverage policy) to provide family training designed to support the caregiver in the delivery of care. The provider must guide the caregiver in the implementation of certain components of the recipient’s individualized family support plan to promote carryover of treatment gains. Providers are required to ensure caregivers can perform the tasks. Services are covered, as described below: