FOCUS Quarterly Deadline Approaching

FOCUS quarterly

FOTA Boosts Quarterly Publication 

In a persistent move towards meeting the needs of its membership and readers, FOCUS, the official publication of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA) has been renamed The FOCUS Quarterly.  The Author’s Guidelines have been adapted to include formal review of submitted materials, and inclusion of a variety of opportunities for the novice and seasoned writers in the community of occupational therapy and collaborating partners.  

Feel free to submit any of the following categories:

  1. Original narrative, descriptive, or other rigorous articles
  2. Book reviews
  3. Journal article reviews
  4. Editorial comments
  5. Special features such as:
    1. Thematic or special topic edition
    2. Voice from the membership
    3. Comments from students
    4. From the grassroots – practice tips
    5. A day in the life – case studies

Any questions, please contact us [email protected]   Guidelines for article submission: FOCUS Guidelines

For article submission contact our editor Kristina Kangas [email protected]

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