Florida Occupational Therapy Association

Job Description: President and President-Elect, Executive Board



 The President is responsible for facilitating all aspects of FOTA’s affairs.  The President serves a two-year term and shall not hold office for more than 2 consecutive terms. The President-Elect will be elected one year prior to assuming the office of President. The President-Elect is chosen from a roster of occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants and has been a member in good standing with FOTA and AOTA for a year prior to nomination.  The President-Elect will spend this year becoming familiar with the office of the president and assist the President as directed. During this year, the President-Elect should be prepared to meet all the duties and responsibilities of the President. The President-Elect has voice, but no vote on the Executive Board (Board).


  1. Preside over all meetings of the Association and Board.
  2. In concert with the other Officers, supervise and manage the work of the Administrative Assistant.
  3. Communicate to the membership using articles in the FOCUS and email blasts.
  4. Provide frequent updates to the Board.
  5. Coordinate and/or prepare needed reports.
  6. Respond to member requests as appropriate.
  7. Serve as an advocate to the membership and the profession.
  8. Appoint Coordinators to the Association Standing Committees and acting officer’s in collaboration with the Board. 
  9. Respond to AOTA requests on behalf of the Association.
  10. Attend state and national meetings pertinent to the President’s duties and responsibilities.
  11. Act as the business and financial authority of the Association (Bylaws, Article III, Section 3).
  12. Manage the FOTA Strategic Plan and the preparation of an annual Strategic Plan update.
  13. Negotiate and sign all contracts (Lobbyist, Accountant, Association Insurance, etc.), in collaboration with the Officers and/or Board.
  14. Submit a written report to the Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to any Board meeting and annual business meeting of the FOTA membership. 
  15. Submit a proposed budget to the Treasurer no later than May 1.
  16. Develop, in collaboration with Committee Coordinators, Chairs and Board members, any action issues for Board Meetings. 


  • The President will attend all Board meetings, teleconferences, membership meetings and conferences. If the President is unable to attend, then the President-Elect or Vice President will assume responsibility.
  • The President is encouraged to attend AOTA meetings of Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP).

Reviewed: 8/96, 11/09, 3/13, 9/13

Adopted: 12/13


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