Sponsor an FOTA Blast Email to our Membership

This is a unique advertising opportunity to get your message in front of the FOTA Membership on a monthly basis. All blasts will be delivered on the 1st Monday of every month.  


There are two options for e-blast advertising.

  1. Banner ad: Banners MUST be no larger than 468 pixels x 60 pixels and 40 kb
  2. 1/ 4 Page ad: 3 9/16 x 4 7/8  (3.5625 x 4.875)

You MUST have your application in to FOTA no later than 14 days prior to ensure your copy is received in time. 

Blast Email Sponsorship Application

CURRENT E-Blast Schedule: The blasts are sent monthly!

Still have questions? Want more information? Contact Janine at [email protected]



Amazon searches starting from www.flota.org benefit FOTA!